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Egg white protein..what is it?

Eggs are made up of the whites and the yolk. Egg white, also known as albumen, is rich in proteins. It contains almost no fat and acts as a primary source of nutrition for the developing yolk. However, the yolk contains approximately 5 grams of fat, of which, 1.6 is saturated fat (Nasty fat) leaving the rest (3.4 grams of unsaturated fat). As a body builder, your body also needs a certain amount of unsaturated fat for bulking up. It’s used to provide energy for the body to allow it to move and grow. Granted, it contains cholesterol, but it’s in such small amounts that it’s considered part of a balanced diet as opposed to dangerous since small amounts of dietary cholesterol are acceptable.

Each egg contains around 15% protein of it’s weight (Excluding shell) meaning that from each egg, you can get anything between 3-6g of protein. This is because two thirds of the eggs mass is egg white, and 90% of it is water. The remainder is almost 100% protein. it also contains vitamins such as A, E, K, B12, riboflavin, and folic acid, but also valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and iron. All of these are crucial for muscle growth and repair.

The main proteins which are present in egg whites are:

54% Ovalbumin
12% Ovotransferrin
11% Ovomucoid
4% Ovoglobulin G2
4% Ovoglobulin G3
3.5% Ovomucin
3.4% Lysozyme
1.5% Ovoinhibitor
1% Ovoglycoprotein
0.8% Flavoprotein
0.5% Ovomacroglobulin
0.05% Avidin
0.05% Cystatin

Liquid or Powder

There are many forms one can get egg protein in. You can get it in liquid form straight from the egg after it has been cracked, or you can get it as a supplement in a powder form.

If you want to separate it yourself, I would recommend watching this video. I was going to make my own, but I decided to pass 😀

There are many recipes out there for everyone, so if you want to use the liquid form then you should try something new everytime until you find something you like. Later on, I might research some of the tastiest recipes and share them with you all.

If you plan on taking it as a powder, you can use it just like any shaker, you would mix the powder with water/milk and drink it as and when it is required per your dietary needs. I can’t comment much on the powder since I haven’t tried it, but it’s a product which I have seen about.

How many per day?

That all depends on how you want to use eggs within your diet. However, the important thing is to always take 3 or 4 eggs at a given time to give your body the right amount of protein in a given dose. As to how many times per day, well it can be anything from once a day for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack to as many as 4 times a day. However you must be careful not to exceed the maximum amount your body could break down to ensure maximum benefit and avoid the side effects of too much protein.

So to conclude, eat eggs, 3 or 4 at a time, ALL the time! They are great for you 🙂 and if you have any questions, just put them down in the comments 🙂

Enjoy your eggs!.

About admin

Owner and founder of Supplement Judge

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