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Shaun Clarida speaks to Supplement Judge

For this interview, Supplement Judge is very lucky and privileged to speak to Ronnie Coleman Signature Series‘ sponsored athlete Shaun Clarida aka “The Giant Killer. In this interview we see what it takes to become a top class bodybuilder!


shaun_clarida_trainingCould you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

My name is Shaun Clarida aka “The Giant Killer.” I am an IFBB Professional Bodybuilder and Personal Trainer. I’ve always been involved with sports growing up such as; Basketball, Baseball, Bowling and Wrestling. It wasn’t until high school that I got involved with weight lifting and then in college when I was introduced to the sport of bodybuilding.  Fitness and sports have always been a huge part of my life and having that background easily transferred me into competitive bodybuilding.  Since my first contest in 2005, I’ve competed both locally and internationally in 26 competitions.


How long have you been training for?

As stated, high school is when I began experimenting with weights. However, it wasn’t until college that I got introduced to how to properly train, proper nutrition and eventually transforming my athletic physique to a bodybuilding physique.


How did you get started in training?

I wrestled in college and during my training I met a bodybuilder who had been competing for a long time. He took notice to my physique and training style and offered to train me for a bodybuilding show. He told me my physique was good enough to win a bodybuilding show. Hesitant at first, I thought more about it, took him up on the challenge and found myself competing in a show three month later, while following his tutelage. I instantly was bit by the bug and from that day on, bodybuilding was my main focus.


Who got you motivated to start training?

The first person I took notice to with training was my father. He had a few dumbbells and bars lying around house and I would immolate what I saw him doing. In high school, weight training was part of our gym curricular, so that was when I began my journey to weight training.


What are your short and long term fitness goals?

My short term goal is to mentally and physically prepare myself to compete in my first IFBB Pro Show in May 2014, the New York Pro. This is a show I’ve watched as an amateur sitting in the audience hoping that one day I’d be up on that stage. I’m excited and honoured to no longer be watching but competing at this popular event. My long term goal is to stay healthy, injury free and have a long and successful career as an IFBB Pro competing at the highest level, the Olympia.


What workout routine has worked best for you?

I’ve tried so many routines to determine what works best for me and I finally realized that training one body part per day suits me the best. Allowing constant tension and focus on that single body part will allow me to hit it from every possible angle with a variety of movements to allow for growth and development.


Could you outline your basic daily diet?

In the off-season, I have a nutrition plan but it is not as strict as it would if I were preparing for a contest. When I say not strict, it simply means that if I decided to go out to eat or have junk food, I can. I still follow the plan of eating every 3-4 hours and keeping my food fairly clean. I believe that if you are looking for quality muscle, you need quality foods.  Once I begin to diet for a show, I’m 100% committed to my nutrition. I stick to the plan of eating every 3-4 hours but keeping lean protein such as; lean beef, turkey, fish, chicken and eggs and using good carbs such as oats, rice and potatoes. My regime is decided weekly by how my body is responding. I focus on how I look and not by how much the scale reads.


Do you use supplements? If so, what do you recommend?

I don’t rely heavily on supplements. However there are key supplements that I feel play a crucial part of keeping you strong and healthy. Those key supplements include; Multi-Vitamins, Isolate Protein such as; Iso Tropic and BCAA such as; Amino Tone.
Do you have post/pre-workout meals? What’s your favorite?

Pre-Workout, I like to eat one hour prior to training and 15 minutes prior to beginning, I take my Myo-Blitz XS. During my workouts I use Amino Tone, which allows for constant energy during the workout and post workout, I use Pro Antium protein.


How do you deal with things such as hunger and cravings?

Cravings are always going to be there but as my career grows and I get older, my discipline grows stronger. I know what I can and can’t do and it’s like a light switch to me. I turn cravings on and off when need be.


Do you have any cheat meals?

As stated, in the off-season, I allow myself to enjoy food off of the diet menu.  So once in a while I have my favourite cheat foods such as; cheesesteaks, pizza and snacks. Once contest prep begins, I do not believe in straying from my strict regime one bit. I don’t want any flaws or distractions to not allow for me to be at my best when I step on stage.


What is your biggest motivation to get you back in the gym?

My motivation each time I walk into the gym is to be better than yesterday and to deliver a better package then the last time I competed. The sport of bodybuilding is about building your physique and making improvements, so that’s exactly what I look to do each day. My long term goal is to be one of the best IFBB 212lb professionals in the world. In order to do that, I have to train hard but smart each and every single day. Each day is a day closer to that dream.


If you could go back in time, what would you change in your training?

I don’t regret much in life but as far as training, I would have been smarter with my training as I am today. Early in my career I trained with the mentality that I must always go heavy. This mind-set led me to injure myself, which hinders my training slightly today. Now, I train with the mind-set of longevity. I train a lot smarter, safer and have a better mind to muscle connection. I’ve made just as good as gains but been much stronger, safer and healthier.


Any advice for beginners or anyone looking to get back into fitness?

My advice first and foremost is that fitness is important to us all. Whether an athlete or not, living a healthy lifestyle of fitness and strong nutrition will allow for you to live a longer and stronger life.  For those that have a hectic lifestyle should sit down and create a daily schedule that allow for workouts to be included. Even if getting to the gym is not an option, eating right is always an option. You have to eat to live, so why not eat healthy?


What advice do you to anyone looking to lose weight in time for summer?

People shouldn’t just wait until a particular season to begin working out. Make this a lifestyle, one that you follow every day of your life.  But for those looking to lose weight for something, should utilize a written plan of action which puts together a training and eating schedule. Having this plan somewhere in your sight will keep you focused.


Anything else you’d like to add?

For those with a dream, should do any and everything to make their dream a reality. Set a goal, put together a plan of attack, follow your plan step by step and go after what you desire. I truly believe dreams do come true.


And you can follow Shaun on Facebook and Twitter @shaunGKclarida!

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Owner and founder of Supplement Judge

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