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What are prohormones?

Prohormones are compounds that help your body naturally produce anabolic steroids. These compounds are considered as legal as they get converted into steroids within your body. The rate of conversion is kept in control by your body. This conversion process of these substances takes place in the liver as they use certain enzymes in the liver.

prohormonesBenefits of Prohormones:

Aids muscle gain
Even a small amount of them can help you gain a good muscle. When coupled with an intense workout session, the results are immense. Working out is essential as without regular exercise, these might get converted into estrogen.

Helps you increase in strength
These are the best for sports persons and athletes as these help them increase the strength very fast. They also tone your muscles so that you get well defined one in short time.

Faster recovery period
The Prohormones help you recover faster during workouts, training and provide you with the endurance that you need during your workout.

Effective for women
These substances have good ability to offer excellent results for women. Thus, they can take these regularly in small doses.

Helps patients with severe diseases
Patients who are diagnosed with wasting diseases are highly benefited with these substances as these help in maintaining their body weight. Also older males who are suffering from loss of testerone are highly benefited through this substance as it acts as an OTC hormone replacement therapy.

Where to get prohormones?

These are easy to purchase these days. You can easily buy prohormones from many drug stores and websites. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor before you begin using them. Remember to take this substance in short cycles.

You have to be at least 18 years of age to purchase them. But the recommended age is 21 years because this age will not allow any kind of development in the body..

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