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Chromium Picolinate

Supplement Ingredient Guide: Chromium Picolinate


What is it?

Chromium Picolinate is a substance aimed at addressing Chromium deficiency. It was also aimed at diabetics to help them control their blood glucose levels. It does so by increasing their insulin sensitivity.



It’s indicated for those looking to reduce insulin resistance, improving muscle growth and strength and finally as a fat burner.


How much should I take?

The recommended daily dose is between 200-400mcg.



All the research and reviews into Chromium Picolinate suggests that it doesn’t increase insulin resistance in the healthy folk and the results on those suffering with type 2 diabetes were only marginally in favour.

Because of that, there is no evidence that backs up the fact that it can build muscle. Considering its proposed mode of action, one would guess that it would work as a fat burning supplement, but just like the muscle building claims, Chromium Picolinate hasn’t been shown to burn fat!! However, in a sample of grossly overweight people, it was shown that it can burn some of the excess weight.


Side effects

Firstly, there is a weak link between Chromium Picolinate supplementation and the risk of contracting a life threatening disease. It also has been shown to cause some damage to the DNA, however the extent of the damage is still unclear.



 1. Balk EM, Tatsioni A, Lichtenstein AH, Lau J, Pittas AG. Effect of Chromium Supplementation on Glucose Metabolism and Lipids. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Diab Care 2007; 30 (8): 2154-63

2. Althuis MD, Jordan NE, Ludington EA, Wittes JT. Glucose and insulin responses to dietary chromium supplements: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76 (1): 148-55

3. Hallmark MA, Reynolds TH, DeSouza CA, Dotson CO, Anderson RA, Rogers MA. Effects of chromium and resistive training on muscle strength and body composition. Med Sci Spor Exerc 1996; 28 (1): 139-44

4. Trent LK, Thieding-Cancel D. Effects of chromium picolinate on body composition. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1995; 35 (4): 273-80

5. Lukaski HC, Bolonchuk WW, Siders WA, Milne DB. Chromium supplementation and resistance training: effects on body composition, strength, and trace element status of men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996; 63: 954-65

6. Kaats G.R., Blum K., Fisher J.A., Adelman J.A. Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: A randomized, double-masked, placebocontrolled study (1996) Current Therapeutic Research – Clinical and Experimental, 57 (10), pp. 747-756.

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