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Nassim Sahili speaks to Supplement Judge

NAS1For this weeks interview, Supplement Judge caught up with Nassim Sahili, an Optimum Nutrition IFBB sponsored athlete and the current French national Men’s Physique champion. Here is what he had to say about his training, goals and aspirations!


Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

My Name is Nassim Sahili, I’m a personal trainer, fitness model and Men’s Physique competitor from Lyon France. I’m 25years old, a little under 6’2” and about 215lbs.


How long have you been training for?

 My first day at the gym was in October 2006. I was then almost 19 years old, skinny and not fit at all. I was weighting about 150lbs at the time and wasn’t into sport at all


How did you get started in training?

 It all began thanks to my older brother. He was a semi professional soccer player and working out was like a second nature. He convinced me to try a workout with him so he was the one who introduce me to the sport.

The experience was memorable… and painful. Just after I did 4 sets of leg press, I almost fainted in the locker room because of the intensity.

It was the wakeup call I needed. Since then, I never missed a workout.


 Who got you motivated to start training?

 I’ve always been in awe by the muscular and well-built physiques. During my childhood, I kept watching those big action movies starring Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme, Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan. At the time, I found their physics absolutely fabulous, and I secretly dreamed of reaching this level one day.


 What are your short and long term fitness goals?

 My main focus right now is to compete as much as possible. I started competing in June 2011 by doing the Musclemania Model Universe in Miami. I really enjoyed it and decided to try making a career out of it. I’m currently in the middle of my contest prep for the Arnold Classic Europe in Men’s Physique. My goal is to get a pro card to finally compete on the pro stages.

Over the long term, I just want to leave a mark in this sport. My goal is to win the Olympia in the Men’s Physique division.


 What workout routine has worked best for you?

 In my seven years of training, I’ve tried lots of different routines and techniques, and I think any progress requires a degree of variety.

I’ve always had a preference for a low reps protocol, my body has always responded better to this rep range. I’ve always had a preference for an agonist / antagonist style of working out. It goes like this:

  •  Monday == Quad / Hams
  • Tuesday == Triceps / Biceps
  • Thursday == Back / Chest
  • Friday == Shoulders / Calves


Could you outline your basic daily diet?

 Depending on my goals, I may adjust my calories intake and macro ratio to get the desired look.

Off season, I get about 2800kCal per day. Here is a sample diet I used to follow


Meal 1

6 egg whites and 2 yolks

50gr walnuts / almonds / cashew


Meal 2 (Post Workout)

45gr HydroWhey


Meal 3

180gr tilapia



Meal 4

250gr chicken breast


50gr quinoa or white rice


Meal 5

30gr HydroWhey

100gr berries


Meal 6

150gr tilapia

1/2 avocado



If I’m on season, I’ll only adjust the quantity and maybe cut the carbs a little bit                 


Do you use supplements? If so, what do you recommend?

Yes use supplements. I am fortunate enough to be sponsored by Optimum Nutrition and I am proud to be the first French athlete represented by this brand.

All year round, I use some HydroWhey, a multivitamin (Opti-Men), ZMA, and Fish Oil

Then, according to my purpose, I might add other types of supplements like creatine, a preworkout like AminoEnergy, some BCAA or even glutamine.


Do you have post/pre-workout meals? What’s your favourite?

I usually use solid foo preworkout. As I’m training in the morning, I like to keep my carbohydrates low, and only eat protein and good fats.

Post workout, I’ll have a shake of HydroWhey with 2 or 3 rice cakes with honey and cinnamon


How do you deal with things such as hunger and cravings?

 I try to think of something else, read a book, draw, and take a walk. I’m trying to stay as active as possible to avoid focusing on food. It works very well in general. If I really need something to eat, I’ll make myself some protein pancakes with egg whites and a scoop of Casein.


Do you have any cheat meals?

 Of course, cheat meals are EXTREMELY important for me. Off season, I try to limit myself to a cheat meal every 6 days.

When I’m in a contest prep, I indulge myself a cheat meal every 10 days.

But when I try to integrate meat to my diet, and I used as a refill to boost my metabolism.

I try to incorporate them in my diet, using it as a refill after a couple days of low carbing. Just to boost my metabolism.


What is your biggest motivation to get you back in the gym?

 My reflection in the mirror. I’ll always find something to improve so I guess my journey in the gym is far from over!


If you could go back in time, what would you change in your training?

 I did a lot of research, even when I began with this sport. So my training was always pretty good.

But my diet was horrible. If I could go back in time I would pay a LOT more attention to my diet.


Any advice for beginners or anyone looking to get back into fitness?

 You must see the big picture. Do not focus on a single muscle group, or a single aspect of training. Pay as much attention to your diet as you will do for your training.


What advice do you to anyone looking to lose weight in time for summer?

 Do not rush on the fad diet you have read in that last magazine you bought.

Take your time, do not be too radical. Not too much deprivation, too much cardio, listen to your body and make the right choices


Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you for taking the time to read me! You can find more about me on my social networks





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